PetroChina opens China“10,000-meter era”- Chinese Drill Bits and Drill Pipe for the deepest vertical well in Asia

2024-05-07 10:00

PetroChina opens China“10,000-meter era”

Well Tako 1 drilled to a depth of 10,000 meters, setting a new record for the deepest vertical well in Asia

Drill Bits

 China Petroleum Network Aksu News (Reporters Wang Jing, Yu Guolin, Wang Xiaoqun, Shou Jixiang) my country's deep drilling has officially begun the "10,000-meter era." At 14:48:48 on March 4, 2024, in the hinterland of the Taklimakan Desert, the drilling depth of China National Petroleum Corporation's deep well Tak 1 exceeded 10,000 meters, setting a new record for the deepest vertical well in Asia, marking that my country's 10,000-meter drilling series technology has entered the forefront of the world.

Drill Bits

This is the first time that China has obtained underground rDrill Pipeock debris from a depth of 10,000 meters, which is as precious as the soil of the moon.

On May 30, 2023, the deep-ground Taco 1 well, which shoulders the mission of scientific exploration and oil and gas discovery and has a designed well depth of 11,100 meters, started drilling.

In 279 days and nights, the Shenzhen Taco 1 Well used 29 Chinese drill bits and more than 1,060 Chinese drill pipes connected end to end to continuously drill through 12 sets of formations. Its key quality indicators such as well deviation, well diameter, and cementing are all 100% qualified, and it has set many records in my country's drilling field. Sun Jinsheng, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, commented: “This is a milestone in the history of my country’s drilling engineering.”

"The biggest challenge is how to break through the unknown." Wang Chunsheng, the well director of Shenzhen Taco 1, said, "There are no adjacent well parameters to learn from after 9,000 meters. Every time you go down 1 meter, you are drilling in the 'no man's land' One road." From 9,000 meters to 10,000 meters, it took 70 days for the Deepwater Taco 1 Well to drill an average of 14.29 meters per day, using nearly half of the drill bits, and the first 1,000 meters only took 4 days.

With an ultra-high temperature of nearly 200 degrees Celsius, an ultra-high pressure of 140 MPa, and an ultra-high well load of 352 tons, the deep underground Taco 1 well faces "extreme challenges" on its way to breaking through 10,000. To this end, it has applied more than 200 pieces of top domestic equipment and technologies: the world's first 12,000-meter deep well automated drilling rig, 230 degrees Celsius high temperature and 175 MPa high pressure logging instruments... The localization rate reaches 90%. This is a full manifestation of self-reliance and self-reliance in high-level science and technology.

Drill Pipe

Oil workers will neatly arrange the drill pipe tools taken out from the well, number them one by one, and track and record their use time, depth, maintenance history and other information underground.

The deep-seated Taco 1 well exceeded 10,000, thanks to accurate geological predictions, timely analysis while drilling, and advanced technical support. Under the majestic drilling tower, a team of 15 people is on standby 24 hours a day to create a "zero-distance" maintenance circle; more than 3,000 kilometers away, 346 items of underground data are transmitted to Beijing in real time, and experts gather "on the cloud" to work together for safe drilling. Provide support.

In the hundred-grid box at the well site, fresh rock cuttings are stored, which are as precious as "lunar soil". More than 8,000 pieces of rock debris record the earth's vicissitudes from more than 60 million years ago to more than 500 million years ago. Based on this, our country will draw the first 10,000-meter deep geological section map to provide detailed original data for ultra-deep stratigraphic research and resource exploration. Subsequently, a series of scientific exploration work such as 10,000-meter physical well logging and 10,000-meter coring will also be carried out. "China is expected to become the first country in the world to detect and obtain real geophysical and geochemical information 10,000 meters underground." Li Ning, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said.

From 7,000 meters to breaking through 8,000 meters, it takes 29 years; from 8,000 meters to breaking through 9,000 meters, it takes 15 years; from 9,000 meters to breaking through the 10,000 meter mark, it takes 3 years. The ever-shortening time and ever-increasing speed demonstrate our country’s determination and belief in further exploration.

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