Hydraulic Power Unit/Hydraulic Power Pack from SVES Oilfield Supply Co., Ltd

2024-02-05 10:00

Hydraulic Power Unit/Hydraulic Power Pack from SVES Oilfield Supply Co., Ltd

The sun was warm, and the light of the morning shone over the land. On the last day of 2023, I walked toward work with firm steps as usual. My heart is full of anticipation, but also a little nervous. Look forward to, in the New Year can make a difference; The worry is that the succession may face various challenges.

My name is John Zhang. I'm an operator at SVEHydraulic Power UnitS Oilfield Supply Co., Ltd Hydraulic Power Unit/ Hydraulic Power Pack. My department is the department with the largest number of main units, the widest coverage area and the largest professional span in the company, providing water, electricity, gasHydraulic Power Pack, steam, wind and other energy security for all production units.

One day in January 2024, I was paying close attention to the operating parameters of Hydraulic Power Unit /Hydraulic Power Pack No.3. Suddenly, I noticed that the high-pressure oxygen flow increased rapidly, and the oxygen pressure dropped from 8.46 mpa to 8.43 mpa. At this time, the operator of the steam engine and boiler installation post next to it also found that the pressure and flow of natural gas fluctuated greatly. If the fluctuation continues, it may lead to insufficient oxygen supply of the petroleum coke hydrogen production unit, affecting the normal operation of the unit.

Hydraulic Power Unit

As the situation was urgent, I quickly turned down the oxygen discharge valve of No. 3 Hydraulic Power Unit/Hydraulic Power Pack, and my colleague immediately reported the fluctuation to the monitor. leader Michael's firm voice came from the intercom: "Everything is mainly to stabilize the high-pressure oxygen flow and pressure of the pipe network." If the amount of oxygen is too large, use the backup system to supplement it in time and strictly follow the operating procedures."

After receiving the instruction, I took a deep breath, calmed down the panic, and immediately began to act with my colleagues after the division of labor. Allen, the operator, monitors the changes of oxygen pressure and flow rate in the main pipe and is ready to deploy the backup system at any time. Allen was responsible for monitoring the operating conditions of the two air separation units; I am responsible for the adjustment of oxygen discharge and the whole system of No. 3 Hydraulic Power Unit/Hydraulic Power Pack. Everyone performs their duties, cooperate with each other, and deal with them decisively and orderly. After 5 minutes, the high-pressure oxygen flow and pressure of the pipe network returned to normal, and the device resumed stable operation.

It is our responsibility to ensure the stable and safe operation of the equipment. Since the device was put into operation for a year, every time when dealing with emergency situations, the staff on duty can calmly cope with the crisis. This year, we actively studied the "temper" of the device and used all the time to strengthen learning. Today, with the perfect plan and the company's strong organizational management, we have been able to skillfully control this device.

If you think of such a large oil base as a sophisticated machine, then every employee is a screw in this machine. With the joint efforts of everyone, we achieved the good results of putting into production that year, which made everyone's heart full of pride. In the future, we will still make every effort to build a world-class oil base with excellent quality and obvious advantages.

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