SVES 1'' NPT hammer union fittings delivered to oversea client
2025-01-15 14:00SVES Hammer union Fittings delivered to oversea client
hammer unionhammer union fittings1 hammer union1" HP Union (3000 psi)1 hammer union (3000 psi)
By nonren, by Ren, by another, by order is also called pipe or live joint.
Also called pipe joint or live joint. It is a common pipe connection piece that can be easily installed and disassembled. The pipe fittings connecting the two pipes can separate the two pipes without moving the pipes for easy maintenance. It includes 3 parts: threaded head, ball head and tight cap.
The sealing surface inside the nonans has a plane (with a pad), a sphere, a cone, etc.
The connection modes between the pipe and the pipe are butt welding, socket welding, thread and so on.
Transliteration: Hammer by the siren, by the siren, three claws
The Hammer union have been delivered to oversea client and they are satisfied with the cargo.