SVES 3'' Co flex Hose delivered to oversea client
2025-01-31 14:00SVES Coflex Hose delivered to oversea client
Coflex HoseCo flex HoseCoflex Hose Choke LineCoflex Hose SpecificationsArmor Refractory Hose
Technical features: The coflex hose is made of high strength steel wire with winding rubber hose imported from Japan; The inner rubber adopts our company's oil hose formula, which can withstand water, gas and hydraulic oil, the inner wall can be wear-resistant, but also can withstand high temperature, cold and other weather tests, according to different media using different formulas;
The end joint adopts the suitable 45K/60K material according to the pressure and use environment, and is treated with anti-corrosion and heat treatment. The pipe body and the joint diameter are the same, and the free flow, no eddy current and shear damage are realized. The fire resistance should be able to withstand the rated working pressure for 5min at the flame temperature of 705℃. The exterior is made of anti-static armouring full diameter structure, polyurethane cladding structure and rubber and plastic alloy cladding structure, which can resist corrosion, wear resistance and anti-static electricity.
Application: It is suitable for the connection between the blowout preventer and the control system in oil drilling, and can also be used for conveying power and transferring medium in other high temperature and flammable places.
Process improvement:
Comparison of uniform diameter refractory pipe and ordinary refractory pipe
After continuous production research and assembly process improvement, the company has designed and manufactured a new full-diameter hose assembly according to the requirements of foreign users. The hose is characterized by the same diameter of the pipe joint as the hose diameter (example: The diameter of the 1 inch consistent refractory pipe is 24~25mm, and the diameter of the ordinary refractory pipe is 17~18mm). The product will not produce eddy current phenomenon in the use of the product, prevent mechanical force, vibration and other phenomena caused by the excessive speed of the power source or the insufficient hydraulic source, and make the joint part more resistant to erosion and improve the hose service time.
The Coflex Hose already delivered to oversea client and they are satisfied with the cargo.