SVES BOP Accessory Door Seal delivered to oversea client
2024-12-22 10:00SVES BOP Accessory Door Seal delivered to oversea client
Door SealBOP AccessoryRam BOPSealRam Packer
① Annular BOP
The annular BOP is named for its sealing element, the rubber core ring. It is also known as a universal blowout preventer, multi-performance blowout preventer, or spherical blowout preventer.
According to the shape of the rubber core, it can be divided into: conical ring bop, spherical ring BOp, cylindrical ring BOp.
Annular BOP function
1) When there is a pipe string in the well, a rubber core can be used to close the annular space formed by the pipe string and the wellhead;
2) The well head can be fully sealed when the well is empty;
3) In the process of drilling and milling, casing grinding, logging and fishing down, in case of overflow or blowout, it can seal the space formed by kelly pipe, cable, wire rope, accident handling tools and wellhead;
4) With the pressure relief regulator or small energy storage, it can force the butt welded pipe joint without fine buckle at 18°;
5) In case of serious overflow or blowout, it is used to achieve soft shut-in with ram BOP and throttle manifold.
② Ram BOP
Ram preventer is the use of hydraulic pressure to seal the well element - two RAMS with a rubber core, from the left and right sides to the center of the hole to close the wellhead, so called ram preventer.
According to the number of ram can be divided into: single ram preventer, double ram preventer, three ram preventer;
According to the role of ram, it can be divided into: full seal ram preventer, half seal ram preventer, shear ram preventer and variable diameter ram preventer;
According to the locking method, it can be divided into manual locking ram blowout preventer and hydraulic locking ram blowout preventer;
According to the side door switch mode, it can be divided into: rotating side door ram blowout preventer linear movement side door ram blowout preventer.
Ram BOP function
1) When there are drilling tools in the well, the half-sealed ram corresponding to the size of the drilling tool can be used to close the ring space of the wellhead;
2) When there is no drilling tool in the well, the full sealing ram can fully seal the wellhead;
3) When it is necessary to cut the drilling tool in the well and completely seal the wellhead, the shear ram can be used to cut the drilling tool in the well and completely seal the wellhead;
4) The ram of some ram blowout preventers allows load bearing and can be used to suspend drilling tools;
5) There is a side hole on the shell of the ram BOP, which can use the side hole throttling pressure relief;
6) Ram BOP can be used for long-term well capping.
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