SVES High Pressure Gate Valve delivered to oversea client
2024-05-19 10:00SVES High Pressure Gate Valve delivered to oversea client
High Pressure Gate Valve 2"- 1/16" High Pressure Gate ValveGate Valve (2000 psi)High Pressure Gate Valve threaded Type
The opening and closing part of the high pressure gate valve is the gate plate, the direction of motion of the gate plate is perpendicular to the direction of the fluid, the gate valve can only be fully opened and fully closed, and can not be adjusted and throttled. The movement of the valve stem has a lifting rod type (the valve stem is lifted, the handwheel is not lifted), and a lifting rotary rod type (the handwheel is rotated with the valve stem, and the nut is located on the valve body).
High pressure gate valve is a forced seal valve, so when the valve is closed, pressure must be applied to the gate to force the sealing surface not to leak.
When the medium enters the valve six from under the gate, the resistance that the operating force needs to overcome is the friction force of the valve stem and the packing force and the thrust generated by the pressure of the medium. The force of closing the valve is larger than that of opening the valve, so the diameter of the valve stem should be large, otherwise the failure of the top bend of the valve stem will occur.
When the high pressure gate valve is opened, the opening height of the gate plate is 25% to 30% of the nominal diameter, and the flow rate has reached the maximum, indicating that the valve has reached the fully open position. Therefore, the fully open position of the gate valve should be determined by the stroke of the gate plate.