SVES Union Swivel Joint delivered to oversea client
2025-01-10 14:00SVES Union Swivel Joint delivered to oversea client
Union High pressure Swivel JointSwivel Joint
The Swivel Joint is a rotating mechanical seal device, which is used to transport and remove heat conduction medium for fixed pipelines and rotating rollers. The heat transfer media used for rotary joints include steam, water, heat transfer oil, hydraulic oil and coolant.
Due to the advantages of hydraulic transmission over electrical transmission and mechanical transmission, hydraulic transmission is used more and more widely in various industries. High pressure swivel
The application is gradually widespread. If the hydraulic actuator is fixed relative to the medium source, the medium can be transported to the actuator using a steel pipe. If the actuator has a small amount of movement (moving, rotating, oscillating) relative to the medium source, it can be connected with a high-pressure hose. If there is a hydraulic cylinder on the high-speed rotating shaft, the transmission of media to it requires the use of rotary joints. The rotary joint has not yet been standardized, and there are fewer manufacturers. Therefore, it is hoped that the installation, use and maintenance of high pressure rotary joints will play a positive role in cooperating with customers