What is Reservoir Fracturing Technology?

2024-09-13 10:00

What is Reservoir Fracturing Technology?

Fracturing is a specialized technique commonly used for reservoir stimulation to enhance production.

Fracturing refers to a method used during oil extraction where hydraulic force is applied to create fractures in the reservoir, also known as hydraulic fracturing of the reservoir. The process of reservoir fracturing involves using a fracturing truck to inject a high-pressure, high-flow rate fluid with a certain viscosity into the reservoir. After creating multiple fractures in the reservoir, a proppant (such as quartz sand) is added to fill these fractures, thereby improving the permeability of the reservoir. This increases the water injection rate (for injection wells) or the oil production rate (for oil wells). Commonly used fracturing fluids are of five basic types: water-based, oil-based, emulsion, foam, and acid-based fracturing fluids.

Hydraulic fracturing involves using a surface fleet of fracturing trucks to inject a viscous fluid into the wellbore at sufficiently high pressure and flow rate. Because the injection rate is much higher than the absorption rate of the oil and gas reservoir, the excess fluid creates high pressure at the bottom of the well. When this pressure exceeds the rock's tensile strength, the reservoir begins to break, forming fractures. After the fractures extend for some time, a sand-laden fluid carrying a proppant is continuously injected to further extend and propagate the fractures and fill them with the proppant. After the operation is completed, the fractures do not close or at least do not close completely due to the supporting effect of the proppant. As a result, a sand-filled fracture of sufficient length, width, and height is formed in the oil and gas reservoir.

This fracture has very high permeability and increases the filtration area for oil, gas, and water. Therefore, oil and gas can flow freely into the well, and injected water can easily enter the formation along the fractures, achieving the goal of enhancing production and injection.

Well Stimulation Tools

SVES Oilfield Supply Co., Ltd could provide well stimulation tools Well Stimulation Tools for the fracturing operation. 

http://www.svesoiltools.com/product-list/well-stimulation-tools could present the tools we can supply.

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